Author: Daniel

ZFS – Good to know

## Links: ## on Linux install ZFS on Linux > sudo apt install zfsutils-linux ## Commands: ### List the Pools > zpool list ### Unmount Pool/Dataset > zfs unmount <pool>/<dataset> ### Show parameters of pool > zpool get all <pool> ### List the DataSets > zfs list ### Create a Pool (easy/test) > zpool create -f...

tmux – Good to know

Why tmux? 1) Because it makes life easier: 2) Because it’s beautiful: [tmux] is my WM on OS x from unixporn For a beginners guide see: Cheat-Sheet: use “prefix key” “Ctrl + a” (changed in my config, standard is “Ctrl + b”), release, then press “command key”. You can get help with: “prefix kex” + ? command...

Markdown Cheatsheet

Some Templates for most common markdown syntax: Links [Description](link) Images ![alt text](image.png) Table | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | | —- |:—–:| —-:| | | | Blockquote < Code `code` Fenced Code { Block of Code } Horizontal Rule — Footnote Here’s a sentence with a footnote. [^1] [^1]: This is the footnote. Formatting Header: # Bold: ** Italic:...

Apache2 https and .htaccess Rewrite Engine

Problem: After installing Apache2 some local site, which has a .htaccess-file cannot be opened, and shows the error message: “Internal Server Error. The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.” The logfile /var/log/apache2/error.log says “/path/.htaccess: Invalid command ‘RewriteEngine’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration”. .htaccess has...

Customize Linux after fresh installation

Run “” from $HOME Following things to check: 1) Repair the IBUS-error “/usr/share/im-config/data/21_ibus.rc” – no such file or directory sudo apt-get install ibus 2) Set zsh as default shell chsh -s $(which zsh) 3) Change GRUB-Settings – Always show GRUB and show boot-messages (edit in /etc/defaults/grub) GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu GRUB_TIMEOUT=5 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”” 4) Set Transparency of the Panel 5) Mount USB-Stick in...

Linux Mint blackscreen on boot

Problem: Black screen on boot System: Linux Mint 19.3 Kernel 5.4.0-47 Nvidia 340 Solution: add: “nvidia.modeset=0” at the end of the grub boot-entry. When the Nouveau is activated: “nouveau.modeset=0” see: add:

Optimizing CSS

Based on my last post “Google Core Web Vitals 2020” i’ll review and optimize my CSS declarations, as Lighthouse complains already: “Eliminate render-blocking resources”. So here we go: Step 1) analyze existing css-file and remove unused stuff Who needs comments anyway 😉 Step 2) separate CSS files The next thing came into my mind, was trying to separate css for...

Google Core Web Vitals 2020

In May 2020 google announced that the so called “Core Web vitals” will influence the google site ranking. So, besides mobile friendliness, safe browsing, HTTPS and “non-intrusive interstitials” (aka popup-ads) the following three elements of the “Core Web vitals” will have a big influence on a sites ranking: – Loading: Measured by the “Largest Contentful Paint” (LCP) – Interactibility: Measured...

Git – Good to know

In this post i’d like to note some handy tricks when using git. Good to know: git commit –amend = replace (add to) last commit git remote add <alias> <URL> = connect remote repository git push origin/<branch> = upload changes to remote repository git restore – use this command to undo local changes and replace the file with the one...

Linux Mint

Recently i switched the OS on my main mashine to Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia. Before i was using Ubuntu for about 6 years, when moving away from Macos, which was getting to cumbersome, proprietary and slow on the mac. Now, Ubuntu was not getting to slow, but there are good reasons to slowly leave canonical – namely Snap.. Slowly, because...