Tagged: TrueNas

Backup-script for TrueNas

As described in the previous post, i modified the awesome script from Jörg Binnewald @ https://esc-now.de/ to suit my needs. The script is automatically triggered, when the backup-HDD is attached to the TrueNAS-Server. The Datasets (and child-Datasets) are incrementally backed-up via send/receive (ZFS feature). The source code can be found here: script: https://github.com/dapuru/zfsbackup A devd-rule (can also be found at...

Data Backup Strategy for ZFS-Pool on TrueNas

In theory there is one solution to backup a TrueNas Data-Share to an external hard disc: Fiddle with send/receive (see below) In practice, there are different options: 1) use syncoid 2) use TrueNas “local replication” 3) use a script with send/receive 4) use rsync Options 1-3 expect ZFS on the target volume, option 4 works with any filesystem. Should i...

ZFS – Good to know

## Links:https://ruvi-d.medium.com/zfs-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-53728f3bc9e9 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/ZFS https://jrs-s.net/2016/09/15/zfs-snapshots-and-cold-storage/ https://didrocks.fr/2020/05/26/zfs-focus-on-ubuntu-20.04-lts-zsys-general-presentation/ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ZFS ## on Linux install ZFS on Linux > sudo apt install zfsutils-linux ## Commands: ### List the Pools > zpool list ### Unmount Pool/Dataset > zfs unmount <pool>/<dataset> ### Show parameters of pool > zpool get all <pool> ### List the DataSets > zfs list ### Create a Pool (easy/test) > zpool create -f...