Monthly Archive: January 2023

The Universe of SAP Business Technology Platform in a Nutshell

Shamelessly promoting my – still very valid – blog-post of SAP BTP: SAP – BTP, RAP, CAP, CDS, WTF… For further details there is an highly recommended ongoing weekly webcast-series: “The Universe of SAP Business Technology Platform in a Nutshell”.

Good to know – HTTP Protocol

When tinkering with OData, as well as SAC i’m reminded of the good-old-days of web-development, POST and GET requests, AJAX and service workers: What sounds like a toilet cleaner and a waiter in the restaurant, actually it’s all about the early days of asynchronous web-development and webapps. – Time to have closer look at the prime father of the world...

zfs-utils & zfs-dkms update

Error-Message: installing zfs-utils (2.1.4-1) breaks dependency ‘zfs-utils=2.1.3’ required by zfs-dkms 0) Get current installed kernel and check compatibility uname -r 1) Remove the “Ignore these packages on regular upgrade”: in /etc/pacman.conf add [options] #IgnorePkg=zfs-dkms 2) Update zfs-dkms and zfs-utilis simultaneously (when yay calls pacman to install built packages, it does it sequentially.) Use yay -Sa –nodeps zfs-dkms zfs-utils Source:

ABAP 7.4 and beyond

While “ABAP Cloud” and Steampunk is the next big thing… there is modern ABAP available already long time ago. Stay tuned for a new repository, meanwhile check out these resources. Resources: berater-wiki (Neues ABAP ab Release 7.40) SAP styleguides – CleanCode – Modern ABAP Language Elements “Modern ABAP” is or should be used in connection with “Clean Code“:...