Tagged: CDS

VSCode devcontainer (part 2)

After setting up podman to be used as a devcontainer in VSCode in the previous blog-post, here are some links for a further deep-dive and next steps: https://benmatselby.dev/post/vscode-dev-containers/ Quick repeat of what is a devcontainer https://mkdev.me/posts/dockerless-part-1-which-tools-to-replace-docker-with-and-why Blog-series about using podman as a docker replacement. https://blogs.sap.com/2022/02/01/boosting-tutorial-ux-with-dev-containers-part-3-containers-into-action/ First steps in the devcontainer based on Create a CAP Application and SAP Fiori UI...

OData and SAP

Next of my blog-Posts on community.sap.com is up. This time on the various possibilities of using OData within the SAP ecosystem. Howto OData – High level overview Aim is to get an overview of OData and how it can be utilized in the SAP ecosystem. The following topics are covered: 1) What is Odata? 2) How is this useful in...


My first blog-post on the SAP community page is live. SAP Business Technology Platform: What’s that, what can you do with it, and why you should have a look at it… SAP Blogs – BTP, SCP, CAP, RAP… OMG