Tagged: wireguard


There (are some affiliate) needs a VPN-server in the near future (roadwarrior… not by choice).As my experiences with Wireguard on the EdgeRouterX were not very successful: I’l give it another try on Proxmox. Here we go… – as Wireguard is now part of the kernel it’s super easy (Virt. Maschine, no Container on Proxmox… due to Kernel!). see: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-20-04-set-up-wireguard-vpn-server/ and:...

Ubiquity Edge Router X and Wireguard

Wireguard is some really cool stuff. However i still did not get it to work on the Edge Router X – shame on me.. Keeping this for later.. https://github.com/WireGuard/wireguard-vyatta-ubnt https://www.erianna.com/wireguard-ubiquity-edgeos/ https://neontom.com/blog/wireguard-on-edgeos/

Set Default Kernel entry in GRUB2

Problem: After installing Wireguard in Ubuntu 18.04. the kernel vesrion (linux-image-gke-5.3) is automatically installed, as well. However on my system it broke several things like display-resolution and keyboard… So i’d like to reset the former kernel linux-image-generic as the new default kernel in GRUB 2 again. Solution: 1) Backup grub config file: > sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.bak 2)...